When decorating, one will often find it difficult to keep a certain level of class for their home. Even when allowing for an eclectic design, finding complementary items which can look natural, add elegance to a room, and still remain functional will often end up as a surprisingly difficult task. Even more surprisingly given the popularity of tea, it can be the biggest hurdle in a fine dining experience. The balance between beauty and functionality is often difficult to achieve. This is why it’s often useful to look for help from other cultures. Russian porcelain tea ware is one of the best options for someone in this situation.
The main reason is that Russia has a long tradition of both beautiful work with porcelain and a love of tea. A full 82% of adult Russians currently drink tea on a daily basis. It’s a huge part of their culture and the continuation of a national identity which stretches into the distant past. As such, someone looking for beautiful and artistic tea ware has a lot of choices to consider.
The first thing one needs to consider when looking for Russian porcelain tea ware is color. It’s important to ensure that the look of the set compliments or matches the rest of the environment. The most popular scheme for Russian porcelain tea ware is a royal blue, which gives one a lot of different options. But in general, white tablecloths with subtle highlights should work well with most Russian tea ware.
Next, one should consider just how much of a set one needs. Generally the teapot should be considered the center of the set and an absolute necessity. Because a cup can clash with a teapot, it’s important to begin one’s search with the teapot. The actual cups should be a secondary concern after that choice is made. Basically one can consider the arrangement to circle out from a central point. One will have a containing surface in either a tray or table. Then the presentation radiates out to the teapot, then to cups and finally to any additional accessories.
The cups are an important middle ground within that equation. They’re the balance between the different elements, and most commonly are initially laid out to circle the pot within a traditional presentation. As such, one should always purchase more of them than one thinks they will need. There are a few important reasons for this.
First, there’s simply the issue of presentation. When one isn’t actually serving the tea, it will be serving as an artistic statement. One will make use of all the cups at once in these circumstances, and unused space will detract from the effect. Secondly, one will always wind up with more guests than expected at some point. Usually these happen during moments when an event leaves us with the least time to prepare. One never wants to host an event and find themselves unable to maintain the level of dignity and refinement that they seek to put forward. A mismatched tea set in these occasions can be devastating to the overall presentation.
One of the best ways to cover all these considerations at once is to go with a starter set. These typically supply most of the items one will need, and are put together with consideration for further expansion. By going with a starter set one can ensure that the additional accessories and items which not only complement, but outright match an item will be available for later purchase.